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Our service department technicians possess all hand tools and measuring instruments required by modern technology that allows them to provide high standard services to our customers. The work is carried out in accordance with all standards related to ventilation, heating and cooling technology. Our experts carry out inspection of all of your systems and equipment using advanced diagnostic tools that allows detecting any possible problem in good time and preventing equipment failure before the end of the lifetime. We guarantee technical safety of all maintenance services provided to our consumers. AROC service can always be helpful to you in this field. In AROC service, you can always discuss your wishes and demands.

We work seven days a week from 09.00 to 22.00. According to the requirements and needs of our clients, it is possible to extend working hours till late at night or to start work early in the morning. Due to the goal orientation and professionalism of our technical specialists, maintenance and repair work of any complexity are performed with ease. For customers who have entered into Service Agreement, the services are provided in 24/7 mode. High-quality work principle, reasonable prices, quick and effective response to the problem and the most important, availability of permanent services are key factors to for choosing us.

Service Department contacts
Service director: Eyvazov Nabi
Mob: (+994-50) 334-34-57; (+994-55) 334-34-57; (+994-77) 334-34-57
Office: 012-514-31-30

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